Friday, September 4, 2009

Modern Classics # 01

"Windowlicker" is a 1999 single by artist Richard D. James, released under the Aphex Twin name on Warp Records. The name of the single comes from the derogatory British term "windowlicker", meaning a mentally handicapped person. The term is also a direct English translation of the French term faire du lèche-vitrine, meaning "window shopper", a second meaning played up in the song's video.
The music video directed by Chris Cunningham is a ten-minute long parody of contemporary American gangsta hip-hop music videos. In the video, two foul-mouthed young men (a Latino and an African American) in Los Angeles are window shopping for prostitutes (referred to in the end credits as hoochies).
The single is a masterpiece of modern electronic music and is well worth buying it.
You can check it out Here ダウンロード こちら

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